Pricing options

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Better Runner Blueprint

    • How to Use Thinkific

    • How to Use this Course

    • Meet Your Coaches

    • Files and Links You Need

    • 1-1 Coaching Access

  • 2

    1. Warm Up: Priming your body and brain for runs

    • Why warm up

    • Dynamic Warm Up Options

    • Follow Along Warm Ups

    • Fueling Before The Run

    • Now and Later?

  • 3

    2. Pre-Hab: Creating the injury proof body

    • What is it and why it matters

    • Hip Strength and Stretching

    • Core Strength

  • 4

    3. Base Building: Improving the fat burn and aerobic engine

    • What is Base Building?

    • What Are Easy Runs?

    • How to Use Heart Rate Training

    • Why Strength Training Isn't Optional Anymore

  • 5

    4. Speed Training: Stress less about the clock

    • Step 1: Hills

    • Step 2: Introducing Speed Workouts

    • Step 3: Pace Vs Effort

    • Practice Races: Learning Pacing and Racing

  • 6

    5. Performance Enhancers: Understanding how your life might be causing your running issues

    • Total Stress and Performance

    • Hormones!

    • Sleep: Your Number 1 Recovery Tool

    • Nutrition: Your Number Two Recovery Tool

    • GPS Watch Talk

    • Mental Training

  • 7

    6. Peak and Taper: Keeping Your Sanity Pre-Race

    • What The Heck is Peaking?

    • Tapering the Right Way

    • Carb Loading or Not?

  • 8

    7. Race Day: Feeling confident and strong in your goals

    • Race Day Plan

    • Managing Race Nerves

    • Fueling (Before, During and After)

  • 9

    Training Plans

    • Printable Training Plans

    • 1-1 Coaching Access

  • 10


    • Partner Discounts

  • 11

    Strength Training

    • Strength Training For Runners

    • Strength Training Plans

    • Week 1 Workouts

    • Week 2 Workouts

    • Week 3 Workouts

    • Week 4 Workouts

  • 12

    Low Heart Rate Training

    • Training Plans

    • Understanding and Implementing LHR

  • 13

    Running for Weight Loss

    • Lessons from the Experts

  • 14

    Next Steps?

    • You've Finished the Course?

    • What You Learned?